You Will Smile Again – Blessing Airhihen [Instagram & Threads: @Blessing_Airhihen]
1 year agoon
“You Will Smile Again” by music minister, Blessing Airhihen is a song of encouragement and hope. What is written concerning you supercedes what is happening now. God’s word rules and Jesus reigns no matter how dark the cloud may be. Reach out to God for grace daily. He is able to restore and recover it all. Let hope rise again.
“You Will Smile Again” is available on all music streaming platforms.
Watch the lyric video below:
You Will Smile Again – Lyrics
Written by Blessing Airhihen
Verse 1:
It seems so hard for you to pray
Sometimes you don’t know what to say
You’ve done all you know to do
Called on everyone you could
What you once thought was right
Now seems wrong in your eyes
Your tears, your cares cloud your eyes
Now you feel like giving up
You will smile again
You will lift your head up high
The set time to favour you is now
You shall revive again
Just as God said you would
You will sing the victory song
In the overflow of grace
Verse 2:
I know the plans i have for you
Thoughts of good and not of evil
My promises concerning you
They will surely come to pass
What is written concerning you
Superceeeds whats happening
My convenant i will not break
Evil will not prevail
Reach out to me
For there is grace abundant here
Grace that restores and makes dry bones revive again
Drink from this water and you will never thirst again
All the world will know that
I am Jehovah, I am God (modulate)
Connect with Blessing Airhihen
Instagram & Threads: @Blessing_Airhihen
Facebook page:
Twitter: @ofvoe
YouTube: BlessingAirhihenvoe
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