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Audio & Video: The Names Of God ~ Funmi Unstoppable [ Instagram | YouTube: @FunmiUnstoppable]



Funmi Unstoppable an award winning International music minister, based in UK releases her highly anticipated single titled; The Names of GOD

The Names of GOD is a song that speaks of God’s awesomeness in diverse situations knowing fully well that at the mention of His name every kneel bows and every negative challenge or circumstances transformed

God gave me a direction on a project with a revelation I gathered some gospel artist around me and raised an altar of sincere worship for over 40days then after my birthday we continued it as a weekly program.During the covid-19 pandemic lockdown early 2020 the song’s inspirations came from a seasonal program which birthed “My Jehovah” and then My Jehovah in turns gave birth to “The Names of God”.

For whoever shall call on the name of God shall be saved.Romans 10:13

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Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube: @funmiunstoppable

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