Audio: So Great ~ Promise OG [Instagram: @PromiseOche2]
5 years agoon
Here is another piece from Promise OG‘s Newly released four tracks EP.
The song is a hearty, celestial lovesong of praise with powerful melody and vocals resounding the greatness of GOD in His beauty, awesomeness, power, amazingness and more. This song will make you feel His presence on the spot. It is anointed to bring about testimonies and miracles
Verse 1:
Faithful GOD
Your name is so great
There is no one like You in all the universe
Awesome Wonder
My Shield and Defender
You’re the Love of my life
In You I am complete
Age to age You age not
Time has no effect on You
With You there’s no variableness nor shadow of turning
From before time began, You have been on Your throne
Who can understand Your ways?
You’re so great
Chorus (×2):
You are great
You are beautiful
You are awesome in all of Your ways
Verse 2:
Powerful, Your Word is so great
There’s no other but You above, beneath and on the earth
Miracle Worker
My only Provider
You’re the Strength of my life
In You I have my being
Age to age You age not
Time has no effect on You
Self-existent Majesty, You’re amazing
Everlasting to ‘verlasting
You remain just the same
Who can ever stand Your Power?
You’re so great
(Angels bow down, demons tremble, saints cast crowns bowing down before Your temple
The earth quakes, the seas rage, the rocks break at the sound of Your Voice)
You’re beautiful, wonderful, powerful, marvellous, glorious! LORD You’re so great
You dwell, with a head of white, hair of snow, face of light, in a robe of glory. You are holy! LORD You’re so great
Eyes of fire, voice of thunder and as of many waters, Wonderful Wonder, You’re amazing! LORD You’re so great
Awesome GOD, Invisible Reality
Mighty GOD Who was and is and is to come
Excellent amazing GOD, You, so great
Alternative Download Link:
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