Audio: No Argument ~ Promise Benson [Twitter: @Benson_Promise]
3 years agoon
After a brief hiatus from the music scene, renowned songwriter, singer and producer Promise Benson makes a comeback with a powerful sound “No Argument” featuring Dunsin Oyekan.
Prior to this release Promise Benson is no new name with numerous songs to his credit and collaborations with many award winning artiste across the globe.
Promise Benson shares the revelation behind the brand new song.
This song means a lot to me, because it came at a time when my family had to make a critical medical decision.
Let God be true, and every human being a liar. As it is written: “So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge.”-Romans 3;4.
We were torn between what the doctor said was impossible and what God’s Word said was possible.
And in the midst of that, i cried unto God and He asked me “what do you call me in this situation ? i responded, Healer! He said that is what i am. God turned around the situation and it left the doctor in awe till this day.
God is diverse enough to meet you at the very point of that need, it doesn’t matter what it is. There’s NO ARGUMENT to His ability to meet any need and be anything. Whatever the need or situation, i dare you to call Him and watch Him be that and more.
Enjoy this amazing song by Promise Benson Ft Dunsin Oyekan (The Eagle).
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