Audio: My Miracle ~ Alice Sheila Jones [Instagram: @Alicesheilajon6
4 years agoon
The young musician continued her solo musical career up until 2017 when she teamed up on some songs produced in Ghana, both audio and video all online and really reaching out to Millions via the network. Asides the music, Alice Shelia Jones is also an Activist for single mothers and young girls and a Philanthropist.
In her career she is graced to be the first Liberian artist ever to sing before The Norwegian Scouting Federation/ Norges Speiderforbund in (2016), in November 2019 she sang at a party at Church tonight in Øystese Kyrkje Norway and got Nominations and Awards. Alice also has a promotional deal with D.well Music based In Monrovia -Liberia. Alice hasn’t signed to any Entertainment, Meanwhile, Alice has been in Liberia but not on musical tours, but is hopeful to hit back on Monrovia any time this year, where she will be releasing two of her albums and some great singles recorded in Ghana and Kenya.
“My Miracle” is out today on buzzing, get familiar and share your thoughts and miracles. “My Miracle” is available for streams/download on all major streaming platforms!
Facebook page : The uplifted Ministries INC
Instagram: officialalicesheilajones
Twitter :@alicesheilajon6https://www.alicesheilajones.
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