Grace – Austin Omozeje And The Blend
4 months agoon
UK based Music Minister, Austin Omozeje and The Blend have released a brand new single titled “Grace” (Revamped).
This feel good vibe titled “Grace” was originally written by Rev. Victor Atenaga. The song is about the Grace of God (unmerited) favor that brings blessing and joy. According to John, God’s covenant faithfulness found ultimate expression in his sending of his one-of-a-kind Son, Jesus Christ. The contrast is not that the Mosaic law was bad and Jesus is good. Rather, both the giving of the law and the coming of Jesus Christ mark decisive events in the history of salvation. In the law, God graciously revealed his character and righteous requirements to the nation of Israel. Jesus, however, marked the final, definitive revelation of God’s grace and truth. He was superior to Abraham (John 8:53), Jacob (John 4:12), and Moses (John 5:46–47; John 9:28).
Discover God’s riches for our lives through the grace He has given us as a free gift. The greatest gift of all is forgiveness of our sins through salvation in Jesus Christ. Because of the grace God gives us, we are able to then show grace to others as we seek to follow Jesus.
“Grace” (Revamped) is now available on all streaming platforms;
Watch Video Below;
Where would I be today
Without your love and grace
Sure would have been sleeping
Oh oh Sleeping
Down in the grave
But your love and grace came rescuing
Grace Grace
Oh what a grace
What we used to run for
Now see us and run away
Oh Grace
Oh what a saving Grace
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in your hands
Connect with Austin Omozeje
IG/Facebook/Twitter/TikTok: @austin_omozeje
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