God Is Not Rounding Up – Apostle Sam Ubani [Instagram: @Official_Sam_Ubani]
5 months agoon
Apostle Sam Ubani has released his latest single, “God Is Not Rounding Up,” featuring gospel music ministers, Charles De Great, Hilary George, and Reginald Nwogu. This song carries a strong message of hope for the times we live in, assuring believers that God is still active in performing wonders.
In today’s world, where many are seeking miracles and waiting for God to move as He did in the Bible days, “God Is Not Rounding Up” reminds us that God is still in the business of doing wonders. His power has not diminished; He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just as He performed miracles in the past, He will continue to do so.
This song encourages Christians everywhere to trust that God’s work is far from over. He’s not getting tired, and He’s not giving up. He is just getting started!
Listen now to this uplifting anthem of faith and hope!
Watch the music video below:
God Is Not Rounding Up – Lyrics
We bless your name Jesus.
(Praying in tongues)
He’s Just getting started.
He will still do more
The blind will see again.
He will still do more
The lame will walk again.
He will still do more
God is not rounding up
He’s not done with you
So why would you fear
God is not rounding up
He’s Just getting started
He will still do more.
The one who sits in heavens and makes the earth His footstool.
He will still do more
The one who healed the sick by His stripes we are healed.
He will still do more.
The one who raised the dead and still raised Himself.
He will still do more.
He’s just getting started
He will still do more.
He’s a God who is the revealer He will do exceedingly.
When there are prophecies over your life He’d see you through.
But there are nephilis that are standing but what I’ve seen in my dreams keeps me awake.
You’re my life Lord
You’re everything
You’re my song
My place of refuge
You’re everything
You’re my song.
Yeshua hamashiach
You remain the same
Till the end of time
Yeshua hamashiach
You remain the same
God is not rounding up.
Arise O Israel and listen to the reality of thy GOD
The God who sits on the throne and the cherubims flocks around him
He that sits in the heavens and yet the clouds are the dust of his feet
The one who knoweth when the mountain gold gives birth
He that knoweth where the sun sleeps and the one that customizes the pillow the moon use to
There is no GOD like unto thee,
You are Alpha, you are Omega, the king of glory, Odogwu dike, Arugbo Ojo, Kabiyesi
Yahweh Bore
(The Lord my creator) Yahweh Ori (The Lord my light) Yahweh pelet (The Lord my deliverer)
He that speaketh and it cometh to pass before he finishes the sentence.
The one that uses eggs in cracking kennel to disgrace stones
There is no GOD like Yahweh, so soldier roar because thy kings is able to do all exceedingly
abundantly above
Thy king, thy father, the maker of the universe has not abandoned you, he will still do more.
If thou alone can draw into intimacy, if thou can cry for long, he is ready to listen.
For those who cometh to the LORD, he takes away their burden and give them light.
Those who cometh to JESUS, he gives them fire to burn.
The LORD still doeth more.
Roar O Zion because the LORD thy king is worthy
Roar O Israel because the LORD thy father is worthy.
Roar again, he will still do more
In the morning, he will still do more
As a Child cometh out of the mother’s womb so as the LORD declared thee to come out into
favour, into auctions, into realms.
Rise and Arise O soldier of Zion.
(Back to Chorus)
Connect With Apostle Sam Ubani
Instagram: @Official_Sam_Ubani
Facebook: Official Sam Ubani
TikTok: @ApostleSamUbani
YouTube: Official Sam Ubani
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