Eje Re ~ Da Preacher
6 years agoon
Eje Re by Da Preacher is a song that teaches us to believe in Christ Jesus no matter the condition or case may be. The song was released over 3 years ago and now Da Preacher follows it up with visuals to buttress the point in this Easter season. EJE RE which means “Thy Blood” is a song that talks about the power in the Blood of Jesus.
About Da Preacher
He’s called Da Preacher for a reason. He evangelizes through his music. Bro Festus Akuboku is an Imo bred, Lagos raised Christian minister. He admits he has no musical background but woke up from a dream one day with a message and melody.
Stream & Download: https://www.
Lyrics (Translated)
Verse 1:
I woke up one morning,
sat on one seat,
I realized,
that I needed power,
that will watch over me.
I Went to meet a friend,
told him I needed power,
that will watch over me, heal me and protect me.
He said he had an elderly man, a sophisticated charm maker,
he will make charm, give me charm that will protect me.
I explained to my friend,
that a charm maker that is hungry,
a charm maker that can die,
cannot protect me.
that I want,
power that surpasses all other powers,
that I want,
power that will protect me.
Verse 2:
I slept on a certain night, before a second,
maybe in a dream or my consciousness, they were strangling me.
I woke up and ran to a friend’s home,
in order to pass the night in my friend’s home,
before I could shut my eye, I had goose bumps.
I awoke and immediately woke up my friend,
they have come to meet me in your home,
I need power, power that will protect me.
He said if I wanted power, I should come join a cult,
like Ogbooni or Witchcraft and that they will protect me.
I explained to my friend,
that Wizards that sacrifice their children,
Ogboonis that sacrifice their parents,
cannot protect me.
Verse 3:
Immediately I ran to a church, I met a Man of God,
I told him I wanted power that would protect me.
He said if I wanted power
I should accept JESUS into my life,
and have faith in Christ’s Blood,
and that it would protect me.
I knelt that very day,
accepted Jesus into my life,
and had faith in Christ’s Blood that it would protect me.
Right from the day I met Christ,
His blood that is powerful,
has been watching over me and protecting me.
2nd Chorus:
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that supports.
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that is saves.
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that protects.
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that heals.
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that makes healthy,
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that drives away sickness.
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that fights my battles,
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that gives me victory.
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that gives me wealth,
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that gives me joy.
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood is sufficient for me,
Thy Blood, thy Blood, thy Blood that makes me joyful.
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