Audio: Afini Mona ~ Tosin Koyi [Twitter | Instagram | Facebook: @TosinKoyi]
5 years agoon
The sounds of Tosin Koyi culminates in excellent delivery of great inspiration over vibrant rhythms and a wide range of musical genres. He has an undeniable consistency in creating top notch literature that delight the heart of listeners.
Sequel to the release of the worship tune “Everlasting Arms”, the Afrobeat hit “Jesu Oba” and the love themed balad titled “Take My Hand” which garnered a lot of airplay on local and international outlets, his latest project “Afini M’ọna”, is yet another masterpiece set to bring glory to God’s kingdom.
A lyrical combination of both English and Yoruba languages, this masterpiece highlights an intimate conversation and quest for divine direction through the unending maze of life’s decision making.
Do enjoy this amazing song and #BeLed.
You’ve got the master plan
You know the paths that I will thread
Right from the start until the end
You order my steps
Though I’ve got the liberty
To make a choice on what I want
Yet I will choose to trust You LORD
In all of my ways
Afini monà
Afini monà
Afini monà
Afini monà oh
Afini monà
Afini monà
You are my Father
That’s who You are
Show me the way
Show me the way.
Twitter |Instagram | Facebook: @TosinKoyi
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