
Audio & Video: Yahweh ~ Toluwanimee [Twitter | Instagram | Tik Tok: @Toluwanimee]

Minister Toluwanimee releases her latest single titled “Yahweh” accompanied by a music video. “Yahweh” is a song that sums up Toluwanimee’s unwavering faith and deep reverence for God. With her melodious voice and heartfelt lyrics, she invites listeners to join her in a divine encounter, as they lift their voices in praise to the Almighty.

The single is a powerful worship anthem that speaks of God’s sovereignty and unmatched greatness. It showcases Toluwanimee’s unique musical style, blending contemporary sounds with rich African influences, creating an unforgettable fusion that transcends cultural boundaries.

She shares the message behind the new song: “Yahweh! This is not just a song but also a weapon. Sometime in January 2023, I was lost in deep worship, and while worshipping I heard a tune. It was almost as if I could hear the angels singing, every line embedded in power by the breath of the Almighty

“I had just come out of a turbulent season, and I knew this new song was the victory song not only for me but also for the world; just like Jacob declared when he sought God and wouldn’t let go till his situation turned around.

“Indeed “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge” – Psalm 46: 7

“The lyrics is a cocktail of bold faith declarations and worship…

Every limitation, every confrontation, will meet you Yahweh and say you are God!

You are God, there is none beside you, You are God, none in front, they’re behind You

You are God, you are good we will serve you

“I am confident that as we listen and sing along the very presence of Yahweh will fill the room and indeed…

Every knee must bow, every tongue confess, that You are Yahweh and say You are God.”

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://bit.ly/YahwehByToluwanimee

Download Now

Watch the music video below:

Toluwanimee - Yahweh (Official Video)


Twitter | Instagram | Tik Tok: @Toluwanimee
Facebook: ToluwanimeesMusic
Website: http://www.toluwanimee.com

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