Gospel music minister, Minister Denis Fuhnwi has released a brand new single titled “What Have I Done?”.
The song “What Have I Done?” is the first in a series of songs of love and gratitude to and about Jesus Christ. The song rhetorically asks the question about what we could have done for Jesus Christ to love us the way He did, and still does, to the point of laying down His life for us “while we were yet sinners” (Romans 5:8).
This is a song of profound gratitude and dedication to God for His indescribable mercy and grace, for the gifts of salvation, peace, restoration, elevation, fruitfulness, righteousness, joy, health, amongst others, summed up in holistic prosperity. The response to this love should be total surrender and dedication to Him, loving God by grace with all of one’s heart, soul and mind, in line with Matthew 22:37-38.
“What Have I Done?” is available on digital stores;
Watch Lyric Video Below;
Song title: WHAT HAVE I DONE?
Artiste: Denis Fuhnwi (“Minister Fuhnwi”)
What have I done to merit this love?
What have I done that You love me this way?
I can’t understand but I like it this way
What have I done? oh my Jesus!
Verse 1:
You’ve taken me up when no one else could
You dusted me up when I made my fall
What have I done to merit such love?
Oh my Jesus I can’t understand
What have I done to merit this love?
What have I done that You love me this way?
I can’t understand but I like it this way
What have I done? oh my Jesus!
Verse 2:
You lifted me up when I was down
You called my name, now I am your own
It makes me so glad that you took me away
From a life of shame and a life of pain
What have I done to merit this love?
What have I done that You love me this way?
I can’t understand but I like it this way
What have I done? oh my Jesus!
Verse 3:
What could I do to merit such love?
What did I do? I didn’t deserve
You laid down Your life just to set me free
You shed Your blood for a sinner like me
What have I done to merit this love?
What have I done that You love me this way?
I can’t understand but I like it this way
What have I done? oh my Jesus!
Verse 4:
What did I do to be called Your own?
I was condemned in sorrow and soon
But out of Your grace You lifted me up
And now I am free because of You
What have I done to merit this love?
What have I done that You love me this way?
I can’t understand but I like it this way
What have I done? oh my Jesus
Verse 5:
Oh my Jesus, I love You my Lord
With all my heart, with all my soul
I give You my heart, I give you my all
I offer my life to You alone
Chorus (till end):
What have I done to merit this love?
What have I done that You love me this way?
I can’t understand but I like it this way
What have I done? oh my Jesus
What have I done to merit this love?
What have I done that You love me this way?
I can’t understand but I like it this way
What have I done? oh my Jesus
Connect with Denis Fuhnwi
Youtube: Denis Fuhnwi
Facebook: Minister Fuhnwi
Twitter: @dfuhnwi
Instagram: dfuhnwi