Kayode Omosa is out with his first single of the year titled “We Will Run“, from the “Saviour” the album set to drop later this year.
This song is set to bring clarity to believer’s rejoicing as against dancing for dancing sake. Whenever we think or remember what God has done for us in Christ, we cannot by run, turn around, jump and shout in reckless abandon.
This song “We Will Run” is an everyday song suitable for believers gathering, meeting, conferences, church services and events.
MP3 Link or Download http://bit.ly/We-will-Run-KayodeOmosa
DOWNLOAD MP3: https://my.notjustok.com/track/download/id/427732
We will run
Turn around
Jump and shout
Rejoicing in the Lord
We will run
Turn around
Jump shout eh!
Rejoicing in the Holy Ghost
We stir up the joy
The joy within
The joy of salvation
Through the suffering of Christ
And now He lives
Our joy is unending
Joy! Joy in the Holyghost
We do not glory
In earthly things
Or that the demons
Are subject to us
But that our names are found
Written in heaven
Joy – Joy in the holy Ghost
Jump shout hey!
Everybody we just
Jump shout hey
In the morning we just
Jump shout hey
In the evening we just jump shout hey
In the midnight hour
Jump shout hey
In the city we just
Jump shout hey
In the country we just
Jump shout hey
When we go out we just
Jump shout hey
When we come in we just
Jump shout hey
In tribulations we just
Jump shout hey
In tests and trials we just
Jump shout hey
And every moment we just
Jump shout hey
Jump shout hey
We Will Run…
Rejoicing in the Holy ghost
Bouncing on the holyghost
Jumping in the Holy ghost
Rejoice again I say rejoice
Connect with Kayode Omosa:
Email: dunakayboard@gmail.com
Twitter & Instagram: @dunakayboard
GSM: +447577560883