
SamOmix Releases New Album "Godfidence" [@SamOmix9ja]

Samuel Omifenwa, aka Sam Omix, is an unapologetic lover and servant of JESUS CHRIST. Serving God through music is one of my greatest passion because I believe it is one of the ways of bringing heaven down on earth and that is what we need most at this times.
The song “I CAN’T HELP MYSELF” came in the place of worship, and the song came. This song is a reminder of how helpless we are without God.
Download here:


You are my Lord
You are the only one that can
Help me
I can’t help myself…..2*
Purify me ……4x
Sanctify me….4x
Fortify me…….4x
U are my lord
U are the only one that can
Help me
I can’t help myself
I will study the word
I will fast and pray
I will wait on you
And live the life
I’ll preach the Word
In this post truth world
I’ll walk in your will
And follow your way
U are my Lord
U are the only one that can
Help me
I can’t help myself… x2
Help me Lord
As I guard my heart
Direct my path
I need your help
Corruption everywhere
Tribulation everywhere
Temptation everywhere
I need your help
I need your help
U are my lord
U are the only one that can
Help me
I can’t help myself……..2*
Corruption everywhere….every where (repeat)
Tribulation everywhere….. every where(repeat)
Temptation everywhere…..every where (repeat)
I need your help …….I need your help (repeat)
U are my lord
U are the only one that can
Help me
I can’t help myself……..2*
Purify me ……4x
Sanctify me….4x
Fortify me…….4x
U are my lord
U are the only one that can
Help me
I can’t help myself……..2*


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