2018 was Lit!! But 2019 is sure to light up than your imagination. From the Shout Halle crooner and many other hit singles, Timi Phoenix stairs up the Afro world with yet another Sounds from the spirit with the massage of truth,so much to say about the Holy Ghost! Get fired up by this Energetic Confession session.
Enjoy “O’Li Holy By Timi Phoenix”.
Stream & Download: https://www.
O’Li holy holy holy Holy
Holy Ghost
In me! In me! In me! In me! In me!!in me
Fire in my bones
O’Li holy holy holy Holy
Holy Ghost
In me! In me! In me! In me! In me!!in me
Fire in my bones
Verse 1
Them say I carry Jesus for head
Winning soul on a daily oO
Money Everywhere
Sow my seed on daily oO
Word of God shut in my system
Like Fire to my bones
Filled with the Holy Ghost in the inside
Phronesis Am now singing
Supernatural Ability
New grace have receive
Living everyday on the Holy Ghost
Everyday Blessings now follow me
Steady unleashing the God in me
Dominate all the nations
O’Li holy holy holy Holy
Holy Ghost
In me! In me! In me! In me! In me!!in me
Fire in my bones
O’Li holy holy holy Holy
Holy Ghost
In me! In me! In me! In me! In me!!in me
Fire in my bones
Verse 2
I no come here to play
I come here to praise
It’s my spiritual obligation
Come let’s make things
Soldiers Go,Soul go Show
Supernatural mafia
The church is matching on o
Jesus Na him be the way
The only truth and the light
No other way!! no other way!!
No no!
Everyday Blessings now follow me
Steady unleashing the God in me
Dominate all the nations
O’Li holy holy holy Holy
Holy Ghost
In me! In me! In me! In me! In me!!in me
Fire in my bones
O’Li holy holy holy Holy
Holy Ghost
In me! In me! In me! In me! In me!!in me
Fire in my bones
Radio voice
It’s important that in this time,we spread the gospel of Lord Jesus to the ends of the earth.
we need to be part of the team
we need to be part of the soldier
we need to do it,and we need to do Now!
Social media:
IG – @timiphoenix
FB – Timi Phoenix
Twitter – @timi_phoenix
LinkedIn – Timi Phoenix
O’Li Holy ~ Timi Phoenix