
Music: Okan Ope (Grateful Heart) ~ Femifunre [@Femifunrejude @Benmagradio]

Thinking about the awesomeness of God from creation and the opportunities offered by Christ Jesus daily and his breathe of life; “Okan Ope” is a song that express the gratitude “I felt after reflecting my life, God’s miracles and all what God has done for me.
For all this; I am grateful for His faithfulness from the depth of my heart. Above all, i  thank God for the salvation of my Soul and his unquantifiable love .
May His name be praised all time.”

Download Link: http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/o8o9x2h900/OKAN_OPE_GREATFUL_HEART_.mp3
“Okàn Opé” by Femifunre
The song was produced by Bigwig.

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