Unique and talented Gospel Music Minister Grace Richard releases her much anticipated brand new single, titled “NOW” produced by Lord Louis. Grace Richard is an awesome song writer and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, she has written and recorded amazing and powerful songs like AI’NYA, ALL I NEED, NEW LIFE, BEAUTIFUL and many more inspirational songs of worship that will take you right into the presence of God. Right from her child-hood days, singing had been a passion for Grace, she took this passion as a ministry and just as her name, she is Graced with songs of hope and a life style of worship. Grace Richard is an end-time revivalist and an evangelistic singer whose desire above everything else, is soul winning, carrying out God’s agenda by fulfilling the mandate of depopulating hell and populating the Kingdom of God. (Mark 16:15-16)
The song “NOW” is a call for repentance and upright living, it is a call for change from darkness into light, a call from worldliness into the nature of God, into who we’re originally meant to be, though we’re in the world, we’re not of the world. It’s such a tragedy and a pity that we live in a generation that is deteriorating, failing and terribly falling, where people live and act like they have no eternity in view at all. The song “NOW” is like the ark God instructed Noah to build in his time in order to call people into repentance and safety before the flood. “NOW” is a song meant to convict sinners and even children of God who seem to be sleeping on duty or back-sliding, “NOW” is meant to draw them to God especially at this end-time! There’s no more time left to play or to be lukewarm. NOW is the time to awake unto righteousness, it is not a time to joke or be distracted. NOW is the time to be alert and focused on the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to rapture the saints. The world has been infected with a deadly and a terrible virus all over. NOW is the time to repent and run to Jesus for safety (Psalm 91). Hide in Christ! Repentance and Uprightness is a cure and a preventive measure higher than any form of vaccine in the world. (2Chronicles 7:14).
DOWNLOAD: https://my.notjustok.com/
Lyrics written by Grace Richard
1. You’ve been living in darkness for so many years
And you can not even see the world is rolling to an end
But the Lord is waiting, patiently he’s knocking at your door
Though your heart is hard and locked up in the dark and you act like you don’t care
What then shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul at the end
Vanity upon vanity all is vanity, don’t you understand? When will you repent?
Now is the time, Come running sinner man
Into the light, when you still can
Now is the time, never wait sinner man
Come save your life, tomorrow might be too late
2. You’ve been walking in blindness, in so many ways
You take the grace of God for granted and you don’t even agree you’re going wrong
There’s a way that seemeth right unto man but at the end it leads to death
You’re in church but compromising with the world, now the world is folding up
See, everyday you should stand and look at yourself in the mirror
You’ll realize you can’t hide from the truth though it is hard to admit
If you’re saying God! Why can’t I get out? How can I be saved?
And when will I be free? (Back to chorus)
So many people wish they had another chance to say “Lord I’m sorry”
But they are gone… already gone…
It would be too late to cry when the head is off they say, listen honey,
No repentance, no repentance in the grave
Too many people wish they had another chance to say “I surrender”
But they are gone… forever gone…
It would be too late to cry when the head is off they say, listen darling,
No repentance, no repentance in the grave…. (back to chorus)
Call and Response:
Say Lord I’m sorry
Lord forgive me
Jesus save me
I surrender (2 times)
Give your life to the one who gave you life
Remember that life is not your own
Give your life to the one who gave his life
For your sake, He laid it down to save
His name is Jesus and He’s the only way
His name is Jesus and only He can save…
NOW is the time….
Connect with Grace Richard
Instagram – gracerichard2388
G-mail: gracerichie1@gmail.com
Contact: +2348056978970
Whatsapp: +2348060774984