
Video: I Am The Lord ~ Kaydee [@kaydeenumbere]

“”I am the Lord” is a song reassuring God’s children that He is in control of whatever situation they may face. This song is sure to bless anyone who is in distress and build their confidence in God.” ~ Kaydee.
While in the place of prayer one early morning, Kaydee saw himself in a dream amongst a very large crowd with their hands lifted up singing this song I AM THE LORD.
Enjoy the song and visuals directed by @GeneralOkoye.

LYRICS: I Am The Lord
I am The Lord
I am The Lord
I know what to do
I know what to do
I am The Lord
I am The Lord
I know what to do
I am The Lord
You are The Lord
You are The Lord
You know what I need
You know what’s best for me
You are The Lord
You are The Lord
You know what to do
You are The Lord
I will never leave you alone
I am always by your side
I will bring you to an expected end
I know what’s best for you
I am The Lord
I know what you need
I am The Lord
I Know what to do
I am The Lord
Kaydee Numbere is the son of Apostle G.d Numbere (of blessed memory), one of the pioneers of indigenous Pentecostalism in the North and South-South region of Nigeria.
Kaydee developed a strong interest in music at a tender age as his father was an ardent musician and a great song writer. It is widely known that he wrote one of the oldest choruses ‘oh sing oh sing oh praise the Lord’
Kaydee is part of the all-male band THE JUSTIFIED, a jazz band based in the city of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He has been largely influenced by his mentor, the legendary Spike Shebra who has groomed him from childhood.
Email: kdnumbere@gmail.com
Phone: +2348035937930
Twitter: @kaydeenumbere
Facebook: kaydeenumbere

Instagram: kaydeenumbere 

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