
Music: Abba Father ~ Uche Martins [Instagram: @UchebMartins]

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” – Romans 8:15
We can see that is possible to loose all we think we have worked for in life in just a moment.
So this life is all by God’s grace. In this perilous times, it’s time we lay all at His feet, because He is our only hope .
This song came by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and it is the song for this season, it brings us closer to God.
This is a song for your daily devotion.
Lay all at His feet. His our God “Abba Father.
Download Link: https://archive.org/download/uchemartinsabbafather/Uche%20Martins%20-%20Abba%20Father.mp3
Abba Father
Precious Jesus
Here is my worship
I lay my life before you living one
I lay my crown,I lay it up for you
take all of me
Take all of me
I lay it all
It’s by your grace
That I live
Take it all Father
Take it all Jesus
Take it all Spirit
I surrender all

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